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Friday, January 18, 2013

Albert Einstein (Biography)

1:29:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.

During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time, he produced much of his remarkable work and in 1908 he was appointed Privatdozent in Berne. In 1909 he became Professor Extraordinary at Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague, returning to Zurich in the following year to fill a similar post. In 1914 he was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor in the University of Berlin. He became a German citizen in 1914 and remained in Berlin until 1933 when he renounced his citizenship for political reasons and emigrated to America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton
. He became a United States citizen in 1940 and retired from his post in 1945.

After World War II, Einstein was a leading figure in the World Government Movement, he was offered the Presidency of the State of Israel, which he declined, and he collaborated with Dr. Chaim Weizmann in establishing the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance.

At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory: this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light.

In his early days in Berlin, Einstein postulated that the correct interpretation of the special theory of relativity must also furnish a theory of gravitation and in 1916 he published his paper on the general theory of relativity. During this time he also contributed to the problems of the theory of radiation and statistical mechanics.

In the 1920's, Einstein embarked on the construction of unified field theories, although he continued to work on the probabilistic interpretation of quantum theory, and he persevered with this work in America. He contributed to statistical mechanics by his development of the quantum theory of a monatomic gas and he has also accomplished valuable work in connection with atomic transition probabilities and relativistic cosmology.

After his retirement he continued to work towards the unification of the basic concepts of physics, taking the opposite approach, geometrisation, to the majority of physicists.

Einstein's researches are, of course, well chronicled and his more important works include
Special Theory of Relativity (1905), Relativity (English translations, 1920 and 1950), General Theory of Relativity (1916), Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement (1926), and The Evolution of Physics (1938). Among his non-scientific works, About Zionism (1930), Why War? (1933), My Philosophy (1934), and Out of My Later Years (1950) are perhaps the most important.

Albert Einstein received honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy from many European and American universities. During the 1920's he lectured in Europe, America and the Far East and he was awarded Fellowships or Memberships of all the leading scientific academies throughout the world. He gained numerous awards in recognition of his work, including the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London in 1925, and the Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute in 1935.

Einstein's gifts inevitably resulted in his dwelling much in intellectual solitude and, for relaxation, music played an important part in his life. He married Mileva Maric in 1903 and they had a daughter and two sons; their marriage was dissolved in 1919 and in the same year he married his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal, who died in 1936. He died on April 18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey.

Kenapa Dunia Sembunyikan Fakta Besar Tentang Ka’abah?

1:15:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
Ternyata GMT bukan di Greenwich, tapi di Ka'abah (Bukti Fakta Ilmiah).
Ka'abah, rumah Allah sejuta umat muslim merindukan berkunjung dan menjadi tetamu–tetamu Allah sang Maha Pencipta. Kiblatnya (Arah) umat muslim dalam melaksanakan sholat, dari berbagai negara semua ibadah sholat menghadap ke kiblat ini.
Istilah Ka’bah adalah bahasa Al Quran dari kata “Ka’'Bu” yang berarti “Mata kaki” atau tempat kaki berputar bergerak untuk melangkah. Ayat 5/6 dalam Al-quran menjelaskan istilah itu dengan “Ka"bain” yang berarti ‘'Dua mata kaki'’ dan ayat 5/95-96 mengandungi istilah ‘'Ka’'Bah'’ yang artinya “Mata bumi” atau “Sumbu bumi” atau kutub pusingan utara bumi.
Neil Amstrong telah membuktikan bahwa kota Mekah adalah pusat dari planet Bumi. Fakta ini telah diteliti melalui sebuah penelitian Ilmiah.
Ketika Neil Amstrong untuk pertama kalinya melakukan perjalanan ke luar angkasa dan mengambil gambar planet Bumi, dia berkata, “Planet Bumi ternyata menggantung di kawasan yang sangat gelap, siapa yang menggantungnya?”
Para astronot telah menemukan bahawa planet Bumi itu mengeluarkan semacam radiasi, secara resmi mereka mengumumkannya di internet, tetapi sayangnya 21 hari kemudian website tersebut ghaib, sepertinya ada alasan tersembunyi dibalik penghapusan website tersebut.
Setelah melakukan kajian lebih lanjut, ternyata radiasi tersebut berpusat di kota Mekah, tepatnya berasal dari Ka'abah. Yang mengejutkan adalah radiasi tersebut bersifat infinite (Tidak berujung), hal ini dibuktikan ketika mereka mengambil foto planet Mars, radiasi tersebut masih berlanjut terus.
Para penyelidik muslim mempercayai bahawa radiasi ini mempunyai ciri-ciri dan menghubungkan antara Ka'abah di planet Bumi dengan Ka'abah di alam akhirat.
Prof. Hussain Kamel mencari suatu fakta mengejutkan bahwa Mekah adalah pusat bumi. Pada mulanya ia meneliti suatu cara untuk menentukan arah kiblat di kota-kota besar di dunia.
Untuk tujuan ini, ia menarik garis-garis di atas peta, dan sesudah itu ia mengamati dengan seksama kedudukan ketujuh benua terhadap Mekah dan jarak masing-masing. Ia memulai untuk menggambar garis-garis sejajar hanya untuk memudahkan unjuran garis bujur dan garis lintang.
Setelah dua tahun dari pekerjaan yang sukar dan berat itu, ia dibantu oleh program-program komputer untuk menentukan jarak-jarak yang benar dan variasi-variasi yang berbeda, dan banyak hal lainnya. Ia kagum dengan apa yang ditemui, bahawa Mekah merupakan pusat bumi.
Ia menyedari kemungkinan menggambar suatu lingkaran dengan Mekah sebagai titik pusatnya, dan garis luar lingkaran itu adalah benua-benuanya. Dan pada masa yang sama, ia bergerak bersamaan dengan keliling luar benua-benua tersebut. (Majalah Al-Arabiyyah, edisi 237, Ogos 1978).
Gambar-gambar satelit yang muncul kemudian pada tahun 90-an, menekankan hasil yang sama ketika kajian-kajian lebih lanjut mengarah kepada topografi lapisan-lapisan bumi dan geografi waktu daratan itu diciptakan.
Telah menjadi teori yang mapan secara ilmiah bahawa lempengan-lempengan bumi terbentuk selama usia geologi yang panjang, bergerak secara teratur di sekitar lempengan Arab. Lempengan-lempengan ini terus menerus memusat ke arah itu seolah-olah menunjuk ke Mekah.
Kajian ilmiah ini dilaksanakan untuk tujuan yang berbeda, bukan dimaksud untuk membuktikan bahwa Mekah adalah pusat dari bumi. Bagaimanapun, kajian ini diterbitkan di dalam banyak majalah sains di Barat.
Allah berfirman di dalam al-Quran al-Karim sebagai berikut :
‘'Demikianlah Kami wahyukan kepadamu Al Quran dalam bahasa Arab, supaya kamu memberi peringatan kepada Ummul Qura (penduduk Mekah) dan penduduk (Negeri-negeri) sekelilingnya ...’' (Asy-Syura : 7)
Kata '‘Ummul Qura'’ berarti induk bagi kota-kota lain, dan kota-kota di sekelilingnya menunjukkan Mekah adalah pusat bagi kota-kota lain, dan yang lain hanyalah berada di sekelilingnya. Lebih dari itu, kata Ummu (Ibu) mempunyai arti yang penting di dalam kultur Islam.
Sebagaimana seorang ibu adalah sumber dari keturunan, maka Mekah juga merupakan sumber dari semua negeri lain, sebagaimana dijelaskan pada awal kajian ini. Selain itu, kata '‘Ibu'’ memberi Mekah keunggulan di atas semua kota lain.
Berdasarkan pertimbangan secara seksama bahwa Mekah berada di tengah-tengah bumi sebagaimana yang dikuatkan oleh kajian-kajian dan gambar-gambar geologi yang dihasilkan satelit, maka benar-benar diyakini bahwa Kota Suci Mekah, bukan Greenwich, yang seharusnya dijadikan rujukan waktu dunia. Hal ini akan mengakhiri kontroversi lama yang bermula empat dekade yang lalu.
Ada banyak perbalahan ilmiah untuk membuktikan bahawa Mekah merupakan wilayah kosong bujur sangkar yang melalui kota suci tersebut, dan ia tidak melewati Greenwich di Britain. GMT dipaksakan pada dunia ketika majoriti negeri di dunia berada di bawah jajahan Inggris. Jika waktu Mekah yang diterapkan, maka mudah bagi setiap orang untuk mengetahui waktu solat.
Mekah adalah Pusat dari lapisan-lapisan langit
Ada beberapa ayat dan hadits nabawi yang menyiratkan fakta ini. Allah berfirman, '‘Hai golongan jin dan manusia, jika kamu sanggup menembus (Melintasi) penjuru langit dan bumi, maka lintasilah, kamu tidak dapat menembusnya melainkan dengan kekuatan.'’ (Ar-Rahman : 33)
Kata Aqthar adalah bentuk jamak dari kata ‘'Qutr'’ yang bererti dia, dan ia merujuk pada langit dan bumi yang mempunyai banyak diameter.
Dari ayat ini dan dari beberapa hadis dapat difahami bahawa diameter lapisan-lapisan langit itu di atas diameter bumi (Tujuh lempengan bumi). Jika Mekah berada di tengah-tengah bumi, maka itu bererti bahwa Mekah juga berada di tengah-tengah lapisan-lapisan langit.
Selain itu ada hadis yang mengatakan bahawa Masjidil Haram di Mekah, tempat Ka’abah berada itu ada di tengah-tengah tujuh lapisan langit dan tujuh bumi (Maksudnya tujuh lapisan yang membentuk bumi).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Orion Missions : Nasa and Esa Set Their Sights On Deep Space

2:01:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
The space agencies are about to reveal more about their collaboration to send astronauts beyond Earth's orbit. But will the Orion missions be inspirational enough for their critics?

Watch the Nasa press conference at the foot of this post from 16:30 GMT (17:30 CET or 10:30 CST)

 Nasa/Esa Orion spacecraft 
Artist's impression of the Nasa-Esa Orion spacecraft that will take astronauts beyond Earth orbit. Photograph : Esa
It is now more than 40 years since a human ventured beyond Earth orbit. The last three astronauts to slip our world's gravitational tethers were those on Apollo 17. They crossed 385,000 kilometres of space to land on the moon and then returned to splashdown in the Pacific on 19 December 1972.
Since then, no human has been higher than about 600 kilometres above Earth's surface. Now it is time to reach out again.
Today's announcement will put meat on the bones of an agreement reached between the European Space Agency and Nasa in Italy late last year. It will explain how Esa will adapt their unmanned cargo vessel, known as the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV), to propel a crew compartment being built by Nasa. The gestalt spacecraft is called Orion and will carry astronauts into deep space.
Current plans call for Orion to perform its first mission in 2017. This will be an unmanned, single flyby of the moon, followed by a return to Earth.
Having broken free of Earth's gravity, the spacecraft will hit our atmosphere on its return considerably faster than objects from Earth orbit. Whereas a space shuttle's re-entry velocity was around 7.7 km/s, Orion will travel almost one and a half times faster at 11 km/s. Hence, it will require better heat shielding than the Space Shuttle.
Four astronauts are expected to fly on the Orion capsule's following mission, pencilled in for 2021. This mission could be to orbit the moon for 3-4 days. But this vague plan has attracted criticism for being too cautious.
Richard Kours warned on 8 March 2012 at the public meeting of the Nasa Advisory Council that the mission needed objectives that are "consistent with the cost and the risks involved". Otherwise, "Nasa leaves itself open to public criticism and loss of Congressional support."
A growing lobby of academics, engineers and industrial partners seems to agree.
Jack Burns from Nasa's Lunar Science Institute in Moffett Field, California, and collaborators published a study and an article last year urging that the Orion spacecraft be used for a mission to a gravitational sweet spot known as a Lagrangian point 65,000 kilometres beyond the far side of the moon.
From such a vantage point, astronauts would be able to control rovers on the lunar surface and help deploy a radio telescope to see into the furthest reaches of space that are impossible to glimpse from Earth.
Lockheed Martin, which built the shield that protected Nasa's Curiosity rover during its descent through the Martian atmosphere last August, have been pushing Nasa for a mission of this kind since at least 2010.
They may be having some success. The Orlando Sentinel has reported seeing papers that make it clear some sort of lunar far side mission is "A leading candidate for the agency's next major mission".
It all points to exciting times ahead but it is unclear how much clarification we will get today about Orion's eventual manned missions. Nasa is treading carefully. The announcement of the briefing was conservatively titled, "Nasa, Esa Hold Jan 16 Nasa TV Briefing on New Orion Agreement".
The Esa version, issued almost a week later, is somewhat more provocative, claiming: "Nasa and Esa to announce new collaboration to send astronauts beyond Earth orbit".
This newly found caution may not be a bad thing. Nasa has made bold statements before about sending astronauts to Mars only to have them collapse under cost considerations. So the current understated path may indeed be what is needed in today's fiscal climate. Having said that, let us hope for solid, inspiring news later today.

You can watch the press conference on Nasa TV here or in the viewer above. It takes place on 16 January 2013 at 16:30 GMT (17:30 CET or 10:30 CST).
Stuart Clark is the author of The Day Without Yesterday (Polygon)

Cheat GTA Liberty City (PS 2)

1:50:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

L1, R1, X, L1, R1, kotak, L1, R1

L1, R1, bulat, L1, R1, X, L1, R1

L1, R1, segitiga, L1, R1, bulat, L1, R1

Senjata 1
atas, kotak, kotak, bawah, kiri, kotak, kotak, kanan

Senjata 2
atas, bulat, bulat, bawah, kiri, bulat, bulat, kanan

Senjata 3
atas, X, X, bawah, kiri, X, X, kanan

Menaikan Wanted Level
L1, R1, kotak, L1, R1, segitiga, L1, R1

Kunci Polisi
L1, L1, segitiga, R1, R1, X, kotak, bulat

Truk Sampah
segitiga, bulat, bawah, segitiga, bulat, atas, L1, L1

L1, L1, kiri, L1, L1, kanan, segitiga, bulat

Semua Mobil Berwarna Chrome
segitiga, R1, L1, bawah, bawah, R1, R1, segitiga

Semua Mobil Berwarna Hitam
bulat, bulat, R1, segitiga, segitiga, L1, kotak, kotak

Semua Mobil Berwarna Putih
X, X, R1, bulat, bulat, L1, segitiga, segitiga

Semua Mobil Hancur
L1, L1, kiri, L1, L1, kanan, X, kotak

Mobil Berjalan di Atas Air
bulat, X, bawah, bulat, X, atas, L1, L1

Pengemudi Agresif
kotak, kotak, R1, X, X, L1, bulat, bulat

Mengubah Ukuran Ban Motor
bulat, kanan, X, atas, kanan, X, L1, kotak

Rambu Lalu Lintas Hijau
segitiga, segitiga, R1, kotak, kotak, L1, X, X

Berkepala Bulat
bawah, bawah, bawah, bulat, bulat, X, L1, R1

Bunuh Diri
L1, bawah, kiri, R1, X, bulat, atas, segitiga

Gerakan Cepat
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, bawah, X

Gerakan Lambat
R1, segitiga, X, R1, kotak, bulat, kiri, kanan

Waktu Berjalan Cepat
L1, L1, kiri, L1, L1, kanan, bulat, X

Penduduk Mengikuti
bawah, bawah, bawah, segitiga, segitiga, bulat, L1, R1

Penduduk Menyerang
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, atas, segitiga

Penduduk Bersenjata
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, kanan, bulat

L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, kiri, kotak

Cuaca Cerah
atas, bawah, bulat, atas, bawah, kotak, L1, R1

Cuaca Panas
L1, L1, bulat, R1, R1, kotak, segitiga, X

atas, bawah, kotak, atas, bawah, bulat, L1, R1

atas, bawah, segitiga, atas, bawah, X, L1, R1

Savegame Tamat GTA San Andreas

1:40:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
Savegame tamat GTA San Andreas ini khusus untuk kalian yang sudah tidak ingin bermain dengan misi-misi yang sulit dan ingin sekedar main bebas saja.

Savegame GTA San Andreas ini sudah tamat 100% sehingga sudah tidak ada lagi misi yang harus dijalankan. Semua sudah didapatkan.

Fitur-fitur Savegame tamat GTA San Andreas ini antara lain :
  • 100% savegame tamat
  • Uang $999999999
  • Semua wilayah sudah dikuasai
  • Tidak ada perang geng memperebutkan wilayah
  • Fitur hot coffee aktif
  • Status dengan pacar semua 100%
  • Semua pakaian sudah tersedia di setiap rumah
  • Belum pernah di cheat
  • Mobil-mobil modifikasi keren di garasi
  • Level paramedis 12
  • Vigilante 12
  • Pimping level 12
  • 100 Tag
  • 50 Oysters
  • 50 Snapshots
  • 50 Horseshoes
  • 70 Unique Stunts
  • Bike School 100%
  • Driving School 100%
  • Boat School 100%
  • Semua stat kendaraan
  • 1000 Respect
  • 2000 Sex appeal
  • 1000 Gambling Skill
  • Nyawa tak terbatas
  • Armor tak terbatas
  • Amunisi tak terbatas
  • Skill maksimum
Karakter CJ disini juga sudah kebal terhadap peluru, ledakan, jatuh dari tempat tinggi, dan lainnya. Tetapi ada beberapa hal yang dapat membuat kekebalan CJ menghilang. Untuk itu, jangan lakukan hal-hal berikut jika tidak ingin kekebalan CJ hilang :
  • Ditangkap polisi
  • Mati meledak di dalam kendaraan/mobil
  • Mengaktifkan kode cheat HESOYAM

Cara Menggunakan Savegame Tamat GTA San Andreas

Karena ini savegame bukan cheat tamat GTA San Andreas, maka ada langkah instalasi yang harus dilakukan.
  1. Download savegame melalui link dibawah
  2. Ekstrak file savegame GTASAsf1.b dengan program ekstraktor seperti Zip
  3. Klik kanan, lalu klik Copy file yang telah diekstrak tadi yaitu GTASAsf1.b
  4. Buka folder GTA San Andreas User Files di My Documents
  5. Klik kanan, lalu klik Paste
  6. Jalankan game GTA San Andreas
  7. Load game GTA San Andreas 100% Completed

Link Download Savegame Tamat GTA San Andreas (62 Kb)

DOWNLOAD <-- click here
DOWNLOAD <-- cick here

Cheat GTA Vice City (PS 2)

1:28:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

Senjata 1 :
Kiri, Kanan, X, atas, bawah, Kotak, Kiri, Kanan

Senjata 2 :

Kiri, kanan, Kotak, atas, bawah, segitiga, kiri, kanan

Senjata 3 :

Kiri, kanan, segitiga, atas, bawah, O, kiri, kanan

Pengemudi Agresif :

Atas, atas, kanan, kiri, segitiga, O, O, Kotak

Selalu Lampu Hijau :

Atas, bawah, segitiga, X, L1, R1, kiri, O

Pejalan Kaki Memiliki Senjata :

Atas, L1, bawah, R1, kiri, O, kanan, segitiga

Pejalan Kaki Menyerangmu :

Bawah, segitiga, atas, X, L1, R1, L1, R1

Hancurkan Semua Mobil :

L1, R1, R1, kiri, kanan, kotak, bawah, R1

Cuaca Cerah :

Kiri, bawah, R1, L1, kanan, atas, kiri, X

Cuaca Cerah 2 :

Kiri, bawah, R1, L1, kanan, atas, kiri, O

Jam Cepat :

R1, L1, L1, bawah, atas, X, bawah, L1

Kerusuhan :

R1, L1, L1, bawah, kiri, Bulat, bawah, L1

Cuaca Mendung :

Kiri, bawah, L1, R1, kanan, atas, kiri, Kotak

Perlindungan Multiplayer :

Atas, atas, atas, Kotak, Kotak, segitiga, R1, L1

Perlindungan Multiplayer 2 :

Atas, atas, atas, O, O, X, L1, R1

Cuaca Berkabut :

Kiri, bawah, segitiga, X, kanan, atas, kiri, L1

Cuaca Hujan :

Kiri, bawah, L1, R1, kanan, atas, kiri, segitiga

Tidak Pernah Wanted :

Atas, Kanan, Segitiga, Segitiga, Bawah, Kiri, X, X

Kesehatan :

Atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, O, O, L1, R1

Uang $ 250,000 :

Atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, X, X, L1, R1

Upside Down :

Kiri, kiri, kiri, R1, R1, L1, kanan, kiri

Mobil Sampah :

Bawah, atas, kanan, segitiga, L1, segitiga, L1, segitiga

Commit Suicide :

Kanan, kanan, O, O, L1, R1, bawah, X

Lambat :

Kiri, kiri, O, O, bawah, atas, segitiga, X

Cepat :

Kiri, kiri, R1, R1, atas, segitiga, bawah, X

Mobil Hop :

Bawah, kiri, atas, L1, R1, segitiga, O, X

Lalu Lintas Hitam :

L1, R1, L1, R1, kiri, O, atas, X

Orang-Orang Mengikutimu :

Kanan, L1, Bawah, L1, O, Atas, L1, Kotak

Armor :

Atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, Kotak, kotak, L1, R1

Meningkatkan Wanted :

Atas, kanan, Kotak, kotak, bawah, kiri, O, O

Cheat Silent Hill Origins (PS 2)

1:08:00 PM Posted by Unknown 1 comment
Main Cheat Codes
Note : These are the main Silent Hill Origins cheats that are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.
  Unlock Codebreaker Suit
You can enter in the password anytime in game. However, you will not get the suit until you finish the game:

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O: Unlock Codebreaker suit

Hints :
Note : As their name suggests hints are not exactly Silent Hill Origins cheats, and are usually just simple (but very useful) tips on how you can unlock secret level, features, find hidden areas and such. Hopefully these will make playing Silent Hill Origins even more entertaining.

Tesla Rifle

How to unlock Tesla Rifle : Beat game once & save. Reload game save & find room key 502. It is north of the hospital, up the long flight of stair's at the top of them. Play thru the game until you are at the Motel level. Use it to open the door & you will get the UFO ending. Save your game & reload it & the Tesla Rifle will be in your inventory.

Tesla Rifle : UFO Ending

Unlockable Accolades

Listed below are the 14 Accolade costumes you can unlock after beating the game. While some of them give you special weapons, a few have different items to make the game much more fun and easier next time around! The Savior's Moon Gauntlets give your fists much more power when equppied, the Ambassador's Tesla Rifle is the most powerful gun in the game giving you rapid laser fire, the Butcher's Great Cleaver and Fireman's Fire Axe are unbreakable melee weapons but the Great Cleaver has much more power than the Fire Axe, the Stalker's Night Vision Goggles gives you night vision, and the Sprinter's uniform itself gives you no fatigue. If you're going for the Butcher Accolade (The Bad Ending), just remember to kill more than 100 monsters and beat the game normally on your next game. Killing less than 100 monsters will give you a Good Ending. For the UFO Ending, you must have gotten the 502 room key from up the stairs across from the hospital's entrance on your next game before going to the motel. You can even pick this item up before going to the hospital at the start of your next game as well. Good luck!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cheat GTA Vice City (PC)

1:34:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
Sebenarnya menggunakan cheat GTA di PC sangat mudah hanya saja belum banyak yang tahu.

Seandainya sudah ada yang tahu cara menggunakan cheat tersebut, rata rata mereka tidak mengetahui semua cheat-nya. Maka dari itu, saya akan memberitahu kedua-duanya.

Cara menggunakan Cheat :

Pada saat game berlangsung atau pause, ketikkan Cheat kode untuk aktivasi fungsi kode. Apabila anda mengetikkan dengan benar, maka akan muncul tulisan "Cheat Activated" di pojok atas.

Untuk menonaktifkan cheat yang aktif, ketikkan kembali cheat kode. Apabila diketikkan dengan benar maka akan muncul tulisan "Cheat Deactivated".

Daftar Cheat Code GTA Vice City Untuk PC

Hasil Kode Cheat
Health (Catatan 1)aspirine
Senjata (Tier 1)thugstools
Senjata (Tier 2)professionaltools
Senjata (Tier 3)nuttertools
Meningkatkan Wanted Levelyouwonttakemealive
Mengurangi Wanted Level (Anti Polisi)leavemealone
Perlihatkan Media Level Jika Melebihi 2 Bintangchasestat
Ahli Menyetirgripiseverything
Mobil Dodo (Terbang) [Catatan 2]comeflywithme
Rhino Tankpanzer
Mempercepat Waktu lifeispassingmeby
Mempercepat Game Playonspeed
Memperlambat Game Play (Matrix)booooooring
Menghancurkan Semua Mobilbigbang
Pejalan Kaki Berkelahifightfightfight
Pejalan Kaki Menyerangmunobodylikesme
Pedestrians Have Weaponsourgodgivenrighttobeararms
Pejalan Kaki Memasuki Mobilmuhopingirl
Mengubah Ukuran Banloadsoflittlethings
Mobil Transparanwheelsareallineed
Bikini Women (Catatan 3)chickswithguns
Lalu Lintas Kacaumiamitraffic
Semua Mobil Berwarna Pinkahairdresserscar
Semua Mobil Berwarna Hitamiwantitpaintedblack
Lampu Lalu Lintas Hijaugreenlight
Mobil Jenazahthelastride
Mobil Love Fist Limosinrockandrollcar
Mobil Sampahrubbishcar
Bloodring Banger (Style 1)travelinstyle
Bloodring Banger (Style 2)gettherequickly
Mobil Golf (Caddy)betterthanwalking
Kostum Pejalan Kaki (Catatan 4)stilllikedressingup
Kostum Lance Vancelooklikelance
Kostum Ken Rosenberg mysonisalawyer
Kostum Hilary King ilooklikehilary
Kostum Jezz Torent (Love Fist)rockandrollman
Kostum Dick (Love Fist)weloveourdick
Kostum Phil Cassadayonearmedbandit
Kostum Sonny Forelliidonthavethemoneysonny
Kostum Mercedesfoxylittlething
Mobil Berjalan di Airseaways
Mobil Yang Lebih Cepatgetthereveryfastindeed
Mobil Yang Sangat Cepatgetthereamazinglyfast
Semua Mobil Cepatgettherefast
Groupie Tommy (Catatan 5)fannymagnet
Kostum Ricardo Diaz cheatshavebeencracked
Tommy Merokokcertaindeath
Tommy Menjadi Gemukdeepfriedmarsbars
Tommy Memiliki Lengan dan Kaki Kurusprogrammer
Cuaca Bagusapleasantday
Cuaca Cerah alovelyday
Cuaca Panas abitdrieg
Cuaca Badaicatsanddogs
Cuaca Berkabutcantseeathing
Kapal Terbangairship
Bunuh Diriicanttakeitanymore

Catatan 1:
Apabila cheat ini diaktifkan pada saat mobilmu dalam keadaan rusak, Kerusakan akan kembali pada nilai nol (tidak rusak) tetapi tidak menghilangkan efek visual dari kerusakan.
2: Kamu mungkin tidak dapat menggunakan helikopter secara benar apabila kode ini diaktifkan.
3: Para wanita akan menjatuhkan senjata apabila mereka terbunuh.
4: Ulangi kode ini untuk mengganti dengan kostum yang lain, termasuk polisi.
5: Arahkan senjata pada target maka teman-temanmu akan membantumu membunuh target.

Cara Menjalankan Game Point Blank

12:52:00 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
Sebelum memulai game, kamu bisa mengetahui panduan instalasi game Point Blank Online di sini

1. Tekan dua kali pada ikon pintas PB pada desktop Anda.


2. Sistem kemudian meminta Anda untuk menunggu sampai launcher disiapkan.


3. Begitu jendela launcher siap, tekan UPDATE.


4. Biarkan proses update berjalan (bila ada), sampai selesai.


5. Ketika proses update selesai maka tombol UPDATE yang tadi Anda tekan akan berubah menjadi tombol START. Tekan START.


6. Ups, ternyata ada pesan “Tolong klik tombol Check” muncul. Nah, perlu dijelaskan bahwa, bila Anda baru saja menginstal / mengupdate game Point Blank Online, maka dibutuhkan pengecekan file sekali untuk memastikan segalanya lancar. Silahkan klik OK dan klik tombol CHECK.



7. Begitu pengecekan file selesai, maka Anda boleh menekan tombol START lagi dan mulai memasuki ke dalam layar login. Perlu diingat, bahwa pengecekan bisa dilakukan kapan pun, dan ini diwajibkan melakukan sekali setelah Anda menginstal game ataupun setelah proses update dari server Point Blank.


8. Silakan memulai permainan Point Blank Online begitu layar login tersedia. Selamat mencoba!


Urutan Pangkat di Point Blank

12:40:00 PM Posted by Unknown 1 comment
Senior Trainee
Staff Sgt. Grade 1
Staff Sgt. Grade 2
Staff Sgt. Grade 3
Sgt. 1st Class Grade 1
Sgt. 1st Class Grade 2
Sgt. 1st Class Grade 3
Sgt. 1st Class Grade 4
Master Sgt. Grade 1
Master Sgt. Grade 2
Master Sgt. Grade 3
Master Sgt. Grade 4
Master Sgt. Grade 5
2nd Lt. Grade 1
2nd Lt. Grade 2
2nd Lt. Grade 3
2nd Lt. Grade 4
1st Lt. Grade 1
1st Lt. Grade 2
1st Lt. Grade 3
1st Lt. Grade 4
1st Lt. Grade 5
Capt. Grade 1
Capt. Grade 2
Capt. Grade 3
Capt. Grade 4
Capt. Grade 5
Major Grade 1
Major Grade 2
Major Grade 3
Major Grade 4
Major Grade 5
Lt. Col. Grade 1
Lt. Col. Grade 2
Lt. Col. Grade 3
Lt. Col. Grade 4
Lt. Col. Grade 5
Col. Grade 1
Col. Grade 2
Col. Grade 3
Col. Grade 4
Col. Grade 5
Major General
Lt. General